Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome to Simple Sunflower and why. . .

Welcome to Simple Sunflower Dreams!

This blog is about me- that's right I'm being selfish and blogging for myself.  This is my journal- for me to reflect on, get ideas out of my head, and to keep myself focused. This first post is what I'm desiring this year and it comes from an experience I had about a year ago.  I attended a wonderful retreat for Christian educators and one of the speakers made us write our goals out.  My writing our goals it increases our chances of achieving those goals.  By sharing our goals publicly it increases the odds of reaching those goals even more.  I've been spending time this first week of January to figure out what I really want from 2014.  I've decided to focus in a few areas with relatively broad goals- each month I'm choosing smaller goals in those areas.  If I have the time, I might even put weekly goals on the blog.  At the very least those goals will be in my notebook.

My Focus Areas
Mommy time- focuses on things that refresh me.  Including  book to read every month (I have plenty on my Kindle that I haven't read), small bits of alone time, monthly relaxing bath/pamper time

Marriage- finish our current couples study and choose a new study together, monthly date nights (including one weekend away), more quality time together, improved communication (don't we all need to communicate better!)

Girls- I have two daughters- I probably should have mentioned that!  I want to be intentional with my time with them.  Continue our nightly reading, weekend crafts and outdoor time- park dates, biking, skating, etc.  Work on my tone of my voice when speaking to them.

Home- ALWAYS a work in progress!!!  I desire improved organization (currently in the middle of a closet remodel to help with that!), better meal planning, my first garden this summer, and I want my home to be welcoming at all times.  My house is kind of a meeting place for family- I want people to be welcome anytime.

I am a goal oriented person. . .these are just my BIG areas to focus on for the year.  I didn't include goals for at work, crafty things, or physical activity.  Those goals I know will come and go and I feel they are "extra".  The areas that I chose I feel will help me to connect to my family, my husband, and my Lord this year.  In all areas I can connect to my faith and have been praying over.  My foundation is built upon these areas and the rest will fall into place.

Thanks for reading and following my progress!